Tuesdays 11:30am-12:30pm | $25 per session
Intention is...
an aim,
a person's design,
and, in medicine, the healing process of a wound.
Manifest your intentions—join in the creation of a collective chi field as we stimulate our energy systems through ancient movements and practices. Each class includes
guidance on creating clear, high vibrational intentions,
practices that prepare and clear your energy field to make space for change,
and group chi circle to focus these intentions, creating shifts for you, others in the circle, and the planet.
Bring your desire and a journal to track your intentions and the shifts you create through this powerful practice.
As an Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Advanced Practitioner, Cathleen works with the body's nine energy systems (e.g.,meridians, chakras, aura) to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit. She works with all forms of vibrational medicine, honoring and exploring ancient practices as she empowers others to live in their purpose and connect to their inner light. Cathleen believes we can change the planet by connecting to our core self and recognizing that we all are a spark of the Divine. She is her best client.