September is National Yoga Month!
Let’s kick off our Fall routine with a CHALLENGE!
More Yoga for you, more Community for all, and Yoga prizes to go around.
First Place: 1-month of UNLIMITED yoga
Second Place: 5-class pass
Third Place: Manduka PRO Lite Mat
How to play:
1. Pick up a BINGO card from the studio during class OR download a card from our website.
2. Write your full name on the front of your card.
3. Upon completion of each square, have your teacher or our lovely front desk staff initial the square.
4. When you have a “BINGO” or a line with five completed squares in a diagonal, horizontal or vertical rowyou may turn in your card to the front desk. You may have multiple BINGOs on one card. Each BINGO will serve as one entry.
5. For social media posts include #yogalifemichigan #yogalifesjbingochallenge2019
6. Challenge begins September 3rd, 2019.
7. All cards must be turned in by October 3rd, 2019 to the front desk at Yoga Life Studio.
8. Prizes will be awarded by October 7th, 2019 by drawing three cards randomly from all submissions.