Restorative yoga offers us a unique opportunity to rest the body, mind and spirit. Through the use of various yoga props, the body is effortlessly supported allowing you to hold the poses longer, breathe clearer and relax deeply and completely. Different from Yin yoga, where stress is placed on the body in a passive way, in restorative there is nothing to do but allow yourself to literally “settle in”. Through stillness of the body, awareness moves with ease and from the depth of your awareness, your inner voice speaks.
Join Lisa in this workshop to understand the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS), how it impacts the body, and the effects of deep relaxation and silence on the PSNS. After an introduction to the Restorative purpose, use of props, and the postures, Lisa will take you through a restorative sequence designed for basic relaxation. You will leave feeling relaxed, renewed, and educated on why restoring yourself is a vital tool we all need.