Do you feel…
Uncoordinated or clumsy?
Off balance standing on your own two feet or find yourself leaning a lot?
Wobble out of standing poses regularly?
Notice your balance worsening with age?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above, this workshop can help you learn to balance your weight throughout the body and stabilize your core, while cultivating the sense of root in your feet and rebound up the body. A thorough breakdown of yoga postures with movement principles for specific for improving balance will be practiced together, in detail, allowing for questions and modifications specific for the group. Each attendee will leave with the sequence of poses to take home and the modifications right for them to continue the practice of these poses and further continue to improve their balance.
No yoga experience necessary. Come to learn how to help yourself and leave empowered to do so.
The wall and chairs can be used to aid in balance. All students must be able to get up and down from the floor independently.